

Photographer based in Paris, portraits, fashion, reportage

Director of a feature documentary « O Jardim da Esperança » and of the shorts series « Let me tell you a story »

2020 Book & exposition “Inside Out” - Curated by Sabrina Jauffret

2011 Exposition "Quit work make music" , Galerie  Kidimo, Paris

2011 Exposition collective "Dreaming Hazel Dooney", Latrobe Contemporary Gallery, Australie

2010 Exposition "Rio, une crèche de favéla" Galerie Goutte de Terre, Paris

2009 Exposition collective "One shot SPK", Glazart, Paris

2008 Exposition collective "DBTH", Splashlight Studio, New York

2008 Exposition "You and eye", Studio de l'Olivier, Paris

2006 exposition "I shoot you" , L'aréa, Paris